Digital transformation: why?
Are you considering a business transformation? Are you reorganizing your teams? Have you acquired a new business? Are you deploying a new tool? Your processes are not well managed by your teams? Do you want to mitigate resistance to change?

Optimize your value chain
Update your business processes
Gain in productivity and profitability
Stay up to date on the 4th industrial revolution
Our approach to lead you to performance
Collection and analysis of your needs
Writing functional specifications (BPMN method)
Make the link between the technical teams and the business teams
Deployment support
Testing and validating
Solution support after deployment

Why choose Sociacom ?
We put our know-how, our experience with different customers and in different sectors, at your service to optimize your product life cycle (PLM), or your customer life cycle (Digital & CRM).
We support your transformation by integrating new technologies and offering a personalized support to facilitate your teams' buy-in.
The added value of Sociacom
The Sociacom spirit of course! We know that each digital transformation requires supporting your teams so that they make it their own.
Our expertise at the service of your issues

Product Lifecycle Management - PLM
Completely rethink your product in a collaborative way, from its idea, to its design, and through its after-sales service management thanks to a completely integrated system, guaranteeing the quality of your data.

L'accompagnement au changement
La conduite du changement est le facteur clé pour obtenir le retour sur investissement souhaité suite à votre transformation.
Nos équipes accompagnent les vôtres pour satisfaire vos utilisateurs et le top management.

Sociacom operates in all sectors and offers you a rigorous methodology adapted to your internal and external challenges and issues. Sociacom also carries out expertise and interim management assignments.